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Maintaining a vehicle is a much-needed task to receive a good performance from the vehicle but generally, people have a complaint from their vehicle’s life. Well, a maintained performance of a car ain’t a magic move! It’s you who have to maintain an adequate efficiency of your vehicle. A vehicle consists of various components, it has to perform various functions that are given as features in a car, so it’s necessary to have a check on everything in an ideal interval of time. Apart from physical parts, mainly there is one thing for which we give maintenance to our car and that is mileage. It’s very essential to maintain a good mileage of a car to keep it efficient and economical as much as possible. Here are a few things we suggest to maintain your car to achieve an efficient mileage and performance.


Car service is the most important and first step towards technical maintenance of a car. From its first service till the time you are willing to use the car it is the most important activity a car needs to perform well. When you buy a car it is said to have its first service within a month or at 1000-1500 km of run. First and second service is nothing but just a check on the vehicle assembly to make sure that it is performing properly. After completing the company offered services it is preferred to have car service in every 6 months of interval. Normal servicing consists of the following activities:-

  • Replacement of engine oil
  • Checking the tuning of the engine
  • Look over the suspensions
  • Alignment of car
  • Testing the car battery
  • Checking the coolant
  • Oiling of levers and pedals
  • Checking other parts like clutch, brakes, lights etc

These are the basic activities and checkups that should be provided to the vehicle within every 6 months of duration so that every part works fine and the car can offer you a nice and economical mileage.

Exterior maintenance

Only technical efficiency isn’t everything for a car, of course, everyone wants their car to be physically strong and have a reliable body. There isn’t a particular method to do that if you drive slowly and with the road sense your car won’t face jerks and collisions and hence even a single nut of the car will be at its place that life of the body will increase. Other than reliability, it’s important to maintain the car as beautiful as you bought it. It is said that ‘treat your car like a baby and it will shine and look new’. For maintaining the look and feel of your car the best and easiest option is to wash your car on a regular basis with a soft car soap because the dirt and stains can make an impact on your car’s paint. Things you can perform for a forever exterior look are:-

  • Wash your car daily with car washing products
  • Keep your car covered while parking it somewhere for a long time
  • Use cleansing products that don’t harm your car’s paint and colour.
  • Try to give minimum jerks to the car while driving and drive smoothly.
  • Keep getting an annual detailing of the car.

These methods could help you to maintain the look of your car as if it’s a newly bought vehicle and it will even help in maintaining a strong body of the car.

Interior maintenance

Interior of a car is the actual feel of a car! The way it smells from inside, the way it looks from inside, the cleanliness and the feel of interior matters to keep a car as a new one. Nobody wants their car to look nasty from inside having scratches on the seat covers and dirt on the mat etc. To maintain an appealing feel you need to have a check on your car’s interior. These are the small suggestion you must keep in mind that might help you to maintain the interior:-

  • Use a good quality to seat and steering cover that doesn’t get ruptured very soon.
  • Have a mat on the surface of your car
  • Chemical wash – It is done by professional technicians but should be done once every 1-2 years. It is performed to wash the parts of the car that are not easily washable like air filters in AC and get washed once in a while, these are washed with a chemical solution. It is important to maintain a clean atmosphere inside the car.
  • Clean your car’s interior with a vacuum cleaner, it is the best option and sucks small dirt particles inside it making it easy to clean manually afterwards.
  • Also clean the buttons, levers and paddles inside the car.

Maintaining interior is the most important step to maintain a “new-car” feel to your car, it is the thing that defines the quality of your car.

Tyres checkup

Maintenance of tyres is the major check to have a safe ride with your car. Set of tyres is a part of the car that ensures maximum jerks, wears and loads while driving. It’s necessary to have a check on them every week. Apart from the point of view of safety, improper tyres can also affect your mileage. If there is unsuitable pressure in your tyres or you are using wrong size tyres or giving heavy load on the car according to the load capacity of tyres, your car will face load while riding and it won’t give an efficient mileage. On the other hand, driving with improper car conditions also reduces the age of your car equipment and materials and damages spring leaves and axles of the car. To avoid these problems try to implement following measures on your car:-

  • Don’t spin your tyres excessively, it kills the grip of the tyres
  • Drive softly on rough roads to avoid wears on the tyres
  • Load the car according to the tyres’ loading capacity
  • Maintain proper inflation pressure in tyres to have a safe drive. Keep in mind not to keep overpressure in your car tyres on highways or long speed rides
  • Get checkup of your tyres every week
  • Never fit tyres of any size other than the preferred one
  • Don’t drive your car with puncture tyre unless it’s too urgent

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