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Acne- If there ever was the biggest enemy of womankind, it would certainly be Acne. The most troublesome, frustrating, and stubborn enemy, at that. But, what is Acne?


Medical news Today defines it as – Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Whiteheads, blackheadspimplescysts, and nodules are all types of acne. Some of the risk factors include genetics, the menstrual cycle, anxiety and stress, hot and humid climates, using oil-based makeup, and squeezing pimples.

I have recently been struck with this too, and I went completely berserk over it, never having had any skin complications, whatsoever.

I tried the home remedies first like most Indian girls/women rushing to our Mothers, Grandmothers, and kitchens to help us out of this crisis. I did everything from the Aloe Vera leaves from the plant itself, to a paste of Basil(Tulsi) and Neem Leaves, to a perpetual usage of Ice cubes, which stayed on my face for longer than DDLJ stayed at Maratha Mandir ( another fizzled attempt at cracking a joke:p ), nothing came to my rescue. I felt like that girl in the Himalaya Ads!

Then, finally after reading and researching over this mini catastrophe, I came up with my own solution, which worked like wonders. My pimples did not magically disappear overnight(only TV commercials have that magical power), but I noticed a considerable difference with just one application.

Here’s what you will need:

. Buy a mild soap-free face cleanser, I would suggest CETAPHIL (the one that I use)

. Buy Tea tree oil (you can get it at a chemist shop). Tea tree oil has antiseptic, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, and is a superfood for your skin.

This is the tea tree oil that I use, You can any other too, as long it is Tea tree oil.

Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil

. Buy an over the counter Acne cream from a chemist shop. I used CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE AND NICOTINAMIDE GEL. I’ve attached a picture of how it looks, below.

Clindamycin Phosphate And Nicotinamide Gel

The Acne cream I used.

. Make Ice your best friend.

Your schedule for the day:

. Wash your face with lukewarm water, (Lukewarm water will help open the clogged pores and make the cleansing more effective.), using the mild cleanser with a few drops of tea tree oil in it. After you moisturize your face with water, apply the cleanser-tea tree oil mixture all over your face and massage it for a few seconds.

. Wash it off with cold water. (the cold water will help close the open pores, and so it’ll protect your face from external dirt/impurities.

. After cleansing the face, apply a little toner on your face using a soft cotton ball/cotton pad. This helps to get rid of any extra impurities left on your face.

. Put a mild face cream, you can also put some tree oil on a cotton ball and pat it lightly on your acne, leave it for an hour or so, and then follow it up with a light moisturiser. (I use, and would strongly recommend CETAPHIL FACE CREAM)

Your schedule for the night:

. Repeat the cleansing and toning process, as mentioned above.

. Finally, put the acne gel on the pimple/acne affected areas on your face, before you go to bed at night.

. You’ll notice the difference in the morning.

Some suggestions:

Steam your face, at least once in a week. Steam has amazing skin benefits., it cleanses the skin internally.

Give your face an ice therapy once in a while, especially in humid/hot weather conditions. Just rub your face lightly with ice cubes, for a few minutes. You’ll see how fresh and clear your face looks.

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